Where wisdom strives to be perfect and perfection needs improvement.

The Key

I've been the key to many a door

Poor me, you keep wanting more!

In your loving arms, if I were to fall asleep,

I'll tell you all the secrets hidden deep.

Deeper than the sea can ever be.

If your just and loving eyes, you'll open to see.

Oh pretty baby! Will you just let it go?

And not come after me with your bow and arrow!

A single basket, did I put all my eggs in

Should I have not? Was it a sin?

I knew not of any other way,

Nor do I now, Please believe what I say!

If I were a sea, would you dive in?

All lies aside, we're so much akin!

A safeguard to my secrets, will you be?

To my locked doors, will you be the key?

Posted via email from Immature Wisdom

Observing life, Expressing thoughts, Being Immature, Being Wise.
Rishi Talreja

The smell of cigarette

Away from the chilly fogs of Silent Hill
Away from the desolation that can kill

I've run away
I'd no other way

From this strange, scary place
Where the streets have no name
Into my own secret mental place
Where no one plays no game

I need to leave this icy cold town
Where my heart only pains, I only frown

The smell of cigarette, Oh! it can be sweet
Some prefer cigars, others smoke weed

The comfort and pleasures of it umpteen
Even when a mere passive spectator, I've been

My heart perplexes, as it fills with desire
But I know I can't fight fire with fire
Nobody will even hear me speak
If I don't practice what I preach

I'd lose not much if I compromise
But I miss the one who can surprise

Its no wonder that ahead of me
Is the one in the karmic wheel of life
Isis, the one who exists, let the name be
The one who's supposed to cause some strife

Oh how will happy times and the smell of smoke
Assist you and cause you to grow
It is but, my friend, a petty joke
That in life, you either smoke to smoke or you smoke to show

And its times that test you
That'll prove your real worth
It was acceptance and not denial, I always knew
That causes us all much mirth

I shall give up my desire
For something far greater
For there's no smoke without fire
And it is fire that causes it all
But surely, be it sooner or later
Surely will I rise, now that I've had my fall

Observing life, Expressing thoughts, Being Immature, Being Wise.
Rishi Talreja

Unable to stay, Unwilling to leave...

Unable to stay,

Unwilling to leave.

Reluctant to say,

But you have to believe.

Ask your heart!

Oh! Your weary heart!

If we must part

And live an ocean apart,

A step let's walk

Towards each other for now.

Be silent, let's not talk,

Don't ask me when or how.

Trust me once more,

It will all be better soon.

Gaze with me, as before,

Shining stars and the tranquil moon.

Posted via email from Immature Wisdom

Observing life, Expressing thoughts, Being Immature, Being Wise.
Rishi Talreja

If only (The beauty in one and all)

If only we mean every word we say
If only we keep every promise we make
If only the summer never goes after May
If only relationships were not just give and take
A poet shall rhyme, a singer shall sing and an author shall write
Poems, songs and stories of pain and pleasure, which life owes us all
If only I were an artist, then I shall color it all bright
And there shall be no sorrow and not a tear shall fall
From the eyes of the loved and unloved; for unfair's not my sight
An artist admires beauty, the beauty in one and all





Posted via email from Immature Wisdom

Observing life, Expressing thoughts, Being Immature, Being Wise.
Rishi Talreja